Domain name registration

Register your domain name with Hivebytes,, .com and many more extensions available. Some examples of other extensions you can have are .cleaning, .site, .live, .shop. If the domain extension price is not listed please contact us.

$29.95/2 yrs

$29.95/2 yrs





$29.95/2 yrs



$29.95/2 yrs

$29.95/2 yrs









Check below if your domain is available


Important: Please do not enter http:// or https://. You can use www or without www it does not matter. Numbers, Letters and the dash can be used but not other symbols.

Register domain name

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Learn more about domain names

Usage of some of the commonly used domain extensions:, – “Australian domain name you need to have a registered business within Australia. The domain must be related to your business in some way and can be the name of your business or a product or service that you are providing. Domains must be a derivative from your name, but nicknames are an option.”

.com, .net – “Used for almost any commercial or non-commercial website and is generally accepted as the standard.”

.biz – “.biz is for commercial usage like .com.

.xyz – “A generic domain extensions that can be used for any type of website.”

.online – “A generic domain extensions that can be used for any type of website.”

.info – “.info domain name was intended for usage only for information related websites, but today everyone can make a .info domain”

.org,, – “A .org or domain name is a for non-commercial organisations including incorporated associations, political parties, trade unions, sporting and special interest clubs, charities and non-profit organisations to be represented on the web.” – “The domain name has been implemented to enable Australian individuals to register their domain name. A domain name enables individuals to create a personal email address that can follow them anywhere equally, it enables them to set up their personal website or a blog.”

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